"Can you tell me a little about yourself?"
One of my least favorite interview questions (kidding), I've always struggled with being succinct when talking about myself and who I am.
In short, I am a smorgasbord of everything creative. I am a writer, designer, strategist, content creator, social media manager, photographer, artist, part-time corny joke teller, and lover of knowledge. Within my work you'll find results at the intersection between intuition and intellect.
Throughout my professional career I've been able to work companies such as Nike, Frito-Lay, Netflix, Beats, Lionsgate, NAACP, Peacock, McDonalds, HBO, Theraflu and more.
Overall, I am a renaissance woman and with all I feel I may know, I am aware that there is still so much to learn and hone in on. My drive is accelerated by the pursuit of knowledge and I enjoy being in environments that allow me to better myself and the world around me.